posibilidad de prácitcas europeas en esta asociación italiana. Esta enfocado para estudiantes de Educación y Comunicación.
Toda la información para ponerse en contacto con la institución y sobre la oferta de prácticas se muestra a continuación:
Letter of presentation
(for partner research under the LLP Erasmus Placement Programme)
Name of the enterprise
Associazione Africa e Mediterraneo
Economic field
Non-for-profit sector,
Cultural cooperation, communication, new and social media.
Short description of the enterprise activities and
Placement student requirements
Study field (e.g.: electronic engineering)
Social Communication
and/or Education Sciences and/or Development Cooperation
Description of the student placement profile
Excellent language
skills (preference will be given to English or French native speakers); good
ITC skills and on new and social media.
Contacts (e-mail, tel., web site)
Marta Meloni
+39 051 840166
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