martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Universidad de Cerdeña busca alumnos para Erasmus Prácticas

Queremos compartir una información que nos llega de nuestros colegas de Cerdeña de la “Università degli Studi di Sassari”.  Están buscando alumnos para realizar prácticas, concretamente con el programa Erasmus Practicas. En la información que nos remite  se hace una explicación de las practicas, además de ofrecer varios links de información. El plazo para enviar curriculum al mail indicado acaba el 25 de marzo.

We are pleased to inform you that the University of Sassari has published the “Erasmus Placement in Sardinia” call and the list of placement offers for the A.Y. 2013/14.
We wish to remind you that the programme is intended to provide internship opportunities in companies, institutions, private offices and agencies of North Sardinia and it is devoted to students who have obtained an Erasmus Placement grant by their home Institution.
Students who wish to apply should send their curriculum vitae et studiorum (European format) to the following email addresses by March 25, 2013: The internship ID (reported in the Placement list) they wish to apply for must be specified in the email. Please note that applicants must satisfy all requirements specified in the Placement offers and clearly state them in their CVs.  Students who need to know the results of the selections before the deadline should specify it in the application.
 Selected students will be enrolled in the University of Sassari and they will benefit from all services dedicated to our incoming students. They will also be allowed to attend institutional courses and to take exams accordingly. Italian language and Culture courses will be offered by the University Language Centre free of charge.
For further information on the programme, please visit our website or write to Please click on the following LINK to view the list of Placement offers for disciplinary areas for the 2013/14 Call.

General information for incoming students are also available in the “Guide for incoming students”, which provides a comprehensive description of the facilities and services available at the University of Sassari and also some information about the city and Sardinia in general. The guide is available in English, French, Spanish and German.

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