martes, 7 de abril de 2015

curso de francés en Rennes (22 junio-10 de julio)

Os remitimos información que nos ha llegado de la Universidad de Rennes 2. El mensaje que sigue trata de un curso de francés al inicio del verano 2015 en la propia ciudad de Rennes (Francia):

Learn French in France this summer!!!
The University Summer Courses for Foreign Students at Rennes 2 University accommodate foreigners coming from all continents for linguistic and cultural stays.
We offer a great opportunity to combine studies and pleasure at the university.
Courses are thaught by professors of the university who specialize in French as a foreign language. Contents of these courses are adapted to your level, whether you are a novice or a french professor.
Our quality is officially recognised by the 'qualité Francais langue étrangère' label.
Apart from the courses, many excursions and cultural activities are included in the program :
- student program // three weeks (June 22 to July 10) : 580 euros
- teacher program :
Two weeks program : 550 euros
Three weeks program : 700 euros

More informations :
We are looking forward to meeting you in Brittany!

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